Invitation: weekly open coworking

Just a quick invitation to a weekly online open coworking event that I run at 8am Mountain time on Tuesdays.

TL-DR: Just a quick invitation to a weekly online open coworking event that I run at 8am Mountain time on Tuesdays:

Full version: Earlier this year I started hosting a weekly online open coworking event. It seemed to me like an enjoyable way to gather online with likeminded folks and have a shot at getting some pesky stuff knocked off my TODO list. It pretty much worked that way!

May/June was a bit chaotic for me, but the rest of the summer and early autumn looks less choppy for me, so I wanted to re-invite y'all to this event. Details:

  • It's free, and happens at 8am Mountain time on Tuesdays, and lasts for 90 minutes. You don't have to show up every time or stay the whole time, though it's the most fun if you join the call right on time (leaving early is no big deal).

  • We meet using Discord's video call feature. Yes, this is weird, but I like trying weird fringe tools.

  • We start by quickly announcing what we're each working on, then we go on mute for the rest of the 90-minute call, and if you're still around at the end, do a fist-pump and say goodbye.

  • I (Philip Morgan) host the event most weeks, which means I try to be there on time every week, start the call, greet folks and make new folks feel welcome, and play time cop if needed.

  • If you'd like to join this coworking group, use this form to get the event on your calendar: The event invite has more details about which Discord server to join and a quick video explaining how to use Discord.

Lemme know if you have questions. Hope to see some of you there!
