Reminder: Long-term, High-value clients roundtable

Just a reminder about tomorrow’s online roundtable

Just a reminder about tomorrow’s online roundtable on the topic of long-term, high-value clients. This event lasts for 2 hours, starting at 9am Mountain time this Friday (tomorrow), October 13th. It’s free and open to anyone interested in the topic. It will not be recorded. The format is moderated peer-to-peer discussion.

We’ll address questions like the following:

  • Are such relationships mostly luck, or is it possible to engineer these kinds of client relationships?

  • If you prefer such relationships, do you think or act differently as a result? If so, how specifically?

  • What tradeoffs are necessitated by these kinds of client relationships?

  • And of course any relevant questions or learnings you want to bring to the discussion.

I hope to see many of you there,-P