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- Roundtable invitation: long-term, high-value clients
Roundtable invitation: long-term, high-value clients
Part 1 of a 2-part invitation...
I want to host a free online roundtable discussion on the topic of: creating and managing long-term, high-value client relationships. This is step 1 of what needs to be a 2-step invitation for this roundtable. Especially if you have experience with such client relationships (either on the buying or selling side), please read on.

Quick definitions:
Long-term: 1 year or more of continuous work
High-value: LTV of $300k or more
Roundtable discussions have value even if every participant has all questions and no answers, but what's usually a better mix is having some people who have answers -- or at least relevant experience -- that applies to the focus of the roundtable.
That's why the invitation to the roundtable I want to host needs to be a 2-step thing; I want to see if a few people who have relevant experience will commit to attending before I put a date on the calendar and do everything else that needs to happen to pull this off.
So... if you have experience either on the buying or selling side of high-value, long-term client relationships somewhere in the consulting, software development, or digital agency space and would be willing to participate in an online roundtable event in mid to late October, please reply and let me know.
If you say yes, I won't expect you to be a complete subject matter expert or have a prepared speech or anything like that. I would just want you to be willing to share any relevant experience you have for the benefit of others who attend.
This roundtable will be un-recorded because I want to create a space that incentivizes as much open sharing as possible.
Friday Fun Poll Results
OK, we have some but not a lot of data on how much you all have thrown up across your lifetimes:

(I had absolutely no high-minded reason for asking that question; I'm just morbidly curious about a lot of weird things, this is one of them, and also I am possessed of -- and often by -- a childish sense of humor that delights in asking absurd or surprising questions.)